Saturday, January 23, 2010

Welcoming Home Your New Puppy Or Kitten

The decision to bring home a puppy or kitten is not to be taken lightly. In most cases, the four legged babies require just as much, if not more work, than the two legged kind. So you've decided to take the plunge? Four Paws is here to help you! We have some great tips to help the transition a little easier for you and your new friend.

Things to do before your new four legged friend arrives.

  • Leash and Collar 
  • ID Tag with your contact information on it
  • Crate
  • Litter Box
  • Puppy/Kitten Food
  • Get food and water dishes that wont get knocked over too easily
  • A few toys; Kongs are a puppy's favorite, kittens love anything they can swat around
  • Have a vet appointment set for a first time check up
The number one thing to remember when dealing with young pets is to have patience. Your puppy/kitten are brand new to the world, so give them some time. When they are young, puppies don't have the muscle that lets them "hold it", so they will need to go frequently. Most puppies will need to go five to six times a day.

For your new kitten, make sure you fill the litter box to about two inches high. Choosing a litter is more of a personal preference for you. Some clump better, some provide more odor repellant. Your kitten will pee on almost anything. In some rare cases, kittens are particular to a certain type, but as long as you start them off young, your kitten will adjust accordingly. It is also very very important to neuter/spay your kitty. Cats have a tendency to mark and their urine smells really really bad when they aren't neutered/spayed.

These tips should get you and your four legged friend started. Stay tuned to the blog, as we will be continuing out tips for puppies and kittens over this week. We will have tips on house training, diet, exercise and more!!